Spray Seal and Asphalt Pavement Training

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

Benefits of the course

Participants in this program will gain insights into the most innovative practices being employed across the industry and an understand how to apply and get the best performance out of different types of materials.


This three-day workshop will be offering a suite of training modules on the latest practice in relation to pavement design, construction and maintenance.

Who should do this course?

Project Managers, Engineers, Planners, Supervisors, Inspectors, and any staff involved in the planning, management, and operations of Spray Sealing and Asphalt Paving.


Participants will learn about latest practices in topics such as:

• An Introduction to Bituminous Materials
• An overview of Sprayed Sealing Types and Treatments
• Pavement Design, Construction and Maintenance
• Sprayed Sealing Process and Common Failures
• Sprayed Sealing Construction Practices
• Selection and Design of Asphalt Surfacings
• Asphalt Placement and Compaction
• Shoulder Sealing and Widening
• Full Depth Asphalt Design and Construction
• Sustainability in Pavement Technology
• Summary Wrap-up

Engineers Australia CPD

Engineers’ Australia members may record Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours for attendance at AfPA courses. Refer to Engineers Australia’s CPD Policy for requirements and conditions.
Types and conditions of CPD & Key CPD Requirements: http://bit.ly/1WkuYS6

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