National Technology & Leadership Committee (NTLC)
AfPA has moved to strengthen its technology leadership position in the flexible pavement area across Australia. The formation of the National Leadership and Technology Committee (NTLC) fulfills the underpinning of the Strategic Plan in the technology area.
The AfPA Board has appointed a committee of talented and nationally recognised members from the industry to form the committee and guide the flexible pavements industry. The task of the committee is to articulate a national industry direction for implementable research and development.
The NTLC oversees a program that drives better outcomes to deliver smoother, safer and well-maintained roads will be of benefit to the entire community. The development of good practice guides and national harmonized specifications. The NTLC further elevaluates the status of flexible pavement practical research and is a reference group for industry to provide a focal point for future advances in materials technology, plant and equipment advances and design process evolution.
Members of the NTLC have a diverse set of skills and are leaders in the their field across the Australian industry. These members are:-
- Thierry Madelon (Chairman)
- Bevan Sullivan
- Con Rimpas
- Erik Denneman
- Kevin Embleton
- Nigel Preston
- Steve Pittonet
- Trevor Distin
- John Arvanitidis
- Carl Topp
- Ian Clarke
- Anna D’Angelo
The Director, Technology and Leadership of AfPA convenes the committee’s work that will enliven the technology focus for the association and provide a new level of input to the Austroads process and guide the flexible pavement industry involvement with broader construction sector.
The NTLC will provide a true focus on innovation, lifting Australian standards and practices to be the best in the world in a way that delivers value for money outcomes and enshrines a culture of encouragement and excellence in delivery.
Click HERE to view Technology & Leadership resources